Craftree Forum Tree > InTatters Forums for Shuttle and Needle Tatting > Tat a Brussels's monument, fantastic initiative organized by htt
Thread created on 1510859484 by ninetta.
Status: Open thread, open to all.
So I've been doing a good bit of test tatting and writing up patterns in more modern notation for my guild's newsletter, and have finished going through all the J&P Coats books that I have. One thing that has struck me is how often they reprinted various popular patterns. Square Medallion #830 comes out to 3cm in size 80 thread. It appears to already be in our pattern database, so I haven't uploaded the pdf I made.
Coats' Square Medallion #8608 also comes out to 3cm in size 80 Lizbeth thread.
I've heard back from Vrinda Bandishte of India, who donated four nifty designs to the "Tat a Brussels Monument" project. She has given me permission to share them here and with my guild. Hopefully this will give everyone an incentive to tat just a few more! Cathy told me tonight that she is currently up to 3,701
I created the instructions as I test tatted the motifs. If there are any errors, please let me know and I'll get it corrected. The samples shown are Vrinda's. I was able to reproduce all four with little difficulty, but you need to be comfortable with either block tatting for this one, or split rings for the other three.
And here's the link for the 3rd motif:
Interesting squares, thanks!
Here it is a link to another square by nami:
in reply to ninetta's post:
Thanks for the link, Ninetta.
I found out that Vrinda named the other squares along with Urchin, so I'll get the pdfs corrected with Vrinda's catchy names. :)
I'm still waiting for permission to post Agnieszka Nami, Henna j Wang, and Kiki Chan's patterns here as well. Liv Oyen Strind sent in an interesting square she designed, but didn't offer the pattern, so I don't know if it's for sharing or not either. Anyone know her to ask?
Wow - it seems like this group project is gathering steam - creative steam, anyway - precisely when it's supposed to be ending!
I've gone through this thread and entered the 3 cm patterns that weren't in the catalog. I've tagged them all as "3cm". If you would like to see the current collection, just search Patterns for "3cm". There are 19 at the moment.
Do we know what shape this will be assembled into? A big rectangle, draped over the monument? A long rectangle that will be tied to it like a skirt? A shawl across shoulders.... if it has "shoulders."
New thought. These new ones all seem amenable to being elements for a magic square ... if you can do split rings and chains.
in reply to GraceT's post:
I don't think most designers thought about the logistics when they donated their designs - the designs were sent in with their finished squares. I've been splitting my time between test tatting squares from antique books and adding those that are either the right size, or can be downsized to fit, and cataloging McCall's Needlework and Craft. I started the new magazine catalog before Cathy announced the deadline extension, and it's difficult for me to switch tracks back to something I thought I'd finished. I am trying. :)
I'm hoping the new patterns will inspire everyone to tat just a few more to send in. It would be exciting if we can reach at least 5,000 squares. This is the first big public installation of tatting that I'm aware of. I feel it is important that we make it a success. I don't want to have some knitter or crocheter bring it up 10 years from now and be able to say "meh.'
in reply to Judy's post:
Nope, and it's killing me. I love the shawl idea. I wouldn't put it over the shoulders of the statue, I'd drape it over the head and shoulders. Are there any really big woman's statue in Brussels? Or maybe a group of female statues that can be draped each differently? Cathy won't be able to plan until she knows how many squares she has to work with. I'm a little worried about how tight she is going to be on time assembling this.
I just got confirmation that Cathy has received the 110 squares from Shuttlebirds. I'm so happy they made it!
in reply to kjminniti's post:
Yay! That's a hefty donation. I like how Cathy acknowledges each donation, large or small. That alone must take up most of her day...
Cathy has announced the venue for the tatted art installation!
She is asking for likes and shares on the venue and on the donated squares to help acknowledge everyone's efforts! Happy, Happy, Leigh!
Here's another simple square motif adapted from a diamond motif from "Tatting, Book 2", by Penelope. I made two versions, one with all the picots, and one with a minimum of picots. My sample with the picots has chaining that I removed from the instructions because they weren't strictly necessary.
And this is another square that was easy to adapt from a pattern in "Tatting by Penelope, Book 2".