Craftree Forum Tree > InTatters Forums for Shuttle and Needle Tatting > Member Patterns > Little owl earrings
Thread created on 1274713497 by tatzlace.
Status: Open thread, open to all.
This was a great beginner pattern! I made a set for my sister, and after several were quite deformed (I admit!) I finally got two that matched!! Thank you
I am obsessed with owls and really look forward to trying these. Thank you for sharing the pattern!
I have a few friends involved in a Secret Santa this year (at another site) and they have listed in the "collectables" section--"owls". And they have pierced ears. One of them even has a little girl whose name translates from Finnish as Hedwig (the mum is originally from Helsinki). Hmmm......I may just have to whip out a few pairs of these for that exchange. :D
It's a beautiful pattern!! I'm going to 'have a go' at them tonight!!
HI- I am just learning to needle tat and I love owls, so I very much wanted to make this adorable owl as it looked pretty simple. I was able to follow the directions fine except for one thing: after making the long set of ds/picots that make up the body, when I try to join to the 2d picot, there's no way to reach it without having a very long joining thread! Am I doing something wrong or is it just not compatible to needle tatting? I saw a video of it being done on youtube, but I am too new to understand how to translate the shuttle actions to the needle. Thanks for any help.
Hi Bklyngal,
It is definitely possible to needle tat this pattern. I'm a newbie too and I've done it. (Here's how mine turned out). Perhaps, one of the more experienced needle tatters can give us a more "proper" method but in the meantime you could just pull your thread through then join your chain to the picot. After your chain is off the needle, you should have no trouble "reaching" the picot.
Thank you so much! That is how it was done on the shuttle video but I wasn't sure if I should remove the chain from the needle and then join. It makes sense. I'll try again -yours came out perfect!
They're adorable. I needle Tat, so I'm having a very hard time doing this little baby. But maybe I'll figure him out :)
Serenstar75, I'm also a needle tatter and had difficulty too. Here is what you need to do:
1) R: 2ds, b, 2ds, -, 2ds, -, 2ds, b, 2ds CR+RW
2) CH: 1ds, -----, 5ds, --, 9ds, draw CH from needle, + to 1[SUP]st[/SUP] picot of ring, 2ds, ----, 1ds, ---, 1ds, --, 1ds, -, 3ds, -, 1ds, --, 1ds, -, 2ds, -, 1ds, --, 1ds, ---, 1ds, ----, 2ds, draw chain from needle, + to 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] picot of ring, 9ds, --, 5ds, + to base of ring and tie off.
Tattabugg, is this your design? I made little owl earring based on photo fond somewhere on FB and listed them on Etsy. If it's your idea I'd like notice about.
Hi Izabelkag, Yes this is my pattern :) You have my permission to sell the owl earrings as long as you give me the credit for the pattern. Also the pattern is free so no sale of the pattern its self as I want every one to enjoy the pattern. Selling the owls you make is fine though :)
Just sent you a private message Bklyngal with my explanation as to the delay in my response to you Glad you went ahead and posted your adaptation for needle tatters!!!
Thanks for such an amazing design! I adore owls!
Heres my first try:
Aww..they came out really cute. So glad you like this pattern!
wow...those are adorable...!
Owls are so popular now, I made these for my daughter and I have ended up wearing them too! Thank you for a great idea.
Your pattern is really getting around and the owls so well liked. My cousin shared a FB photo advertising a needle tatting tutorial coming soon by Marcelle's Creative Crochet on your owls.
Oh I am so thrilled!! I am glad someone was able to help out the needle tatters with my pattern! Yes this little pattern has gone around the world and the funny thing is I did these owl earrings for a lady at my church as a gift to her daughter in law. She was not happy with them when I was finished and I never got paid for the two pairs of earrings I made even though she took them and gave them to her daughter in law anyway. LOL well I am so glad so many have liked and enjoyed this little pattern! Really happy to see needle tatters doing this pattern also!!!
Hi, I just wanted to share that my poor little pattern has been stolen yes, by some guy named Ivan. He has had it published in an Italian magazine along with handyhands tortoise earring pattern under his own name. Well part of this is my own fault as I never got it copyrighted but, there are ethics as I informed him (I am sure by now he has deleted my post on facebook but, at least he knows how I feel and I hope some people have read what I wrote.) Anyway a very big thank you to Corina whom I found it out through as she realized it was my pattern and made sure she reposted his post and let everyone know it is my design. Here is the link to her post and at the top she links to Ivans post. Be my guest to hop on over to his page and let him know who the real designer is. I wish he would get flooded with comments as it would serve him right!!¬if_t=like With all that said...I am still happy that my pattern is good enough to get published just wish he had given me some credit. Yes, this is my angry face.
I did these with size ten cotton on a #5 needle. Not as subtle ans elegant as yours. But I worked along with OneVirtuousWoman on youtube. They are delightful and easy.
Thank you for sharing.