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Craftree Tatting Awards 2017:


Best Project - Beginner

This award is open to our members who started tatting in 2014 or later. They must have a completed project page on Craftree which includes a photograph of an item which they have finished during 2016-2017.

See details and nominees

Best Project - Overall

This award is for the best completed tatting project. The project must be listed on Craftree with an image showing the finished work. Project must be completed 2016-2017. This award can include small as well as large projects, beginners or seasoned tatters.

See details and nominees

Best Project - Doily

This award is for the best project made using a pattern that is listed in the Craftree database as doily. The project must contain an image of the finished product and must have been completed between 2016-2017.

See details and nominees

Best New Pattern

This award is open to any pattern first published 2016-2017 that is listed on Craftree. Pattern listing must contain an image.

See details and nominees

Best Pattern Overall

This award is open to any pattern that is listed on Craftree and published at any time. Pattern listing must contain an image.

See details and nominees

Best Tatting Designer

Open to any designer who has a pattern listed in the Craftree database that is marked as first published in 2016-2017. This award is intended to honour those wonderful designers that share their creations with the wider tatting community. Designer does not have to be a member, although that certainly is lovely if they are!

See details and nominees