Aren't you the early bird, Friend.


About Craftree

Craftree began life way back in 1993 when Kersti started up a simple email list for tatters. At the time the internet was in its infancy and we were quite proud of our approximate 200 members in the first year.

As technology progressed and the number of members grew we soon moved to using forums. The advantage being the ability to search on past discussions easily and also to dip in and out of the parts of the conversation that you were interested in. At this stage we were known as eTatters.

We moved to bigger and better servers and forums and changed to InTatters – the “eTatters” name had been snuck out from under us and it was time to shake off the remnants of the email beginnings.

And now our current incarnation. InTatters has grown beyond anyone’s wildest dreams as have our members. Very rarely will you find someone talented enough to tat who only tats and never delves into any other craft and so we started to host discussions on other crafts as well. It was soon clear that InTatters could grow and that perhaps rather than just providing a place for crafters to find after they’ve found tatting that we could be a place for crafters of all walks to be introduced to our growing craft.

And so Craftree was born. Here is a video giving an overview of the site.

Why the name? Well crafting is an organic process, one which allows a person to grow and develop. Skills learnt doing one craft form a foundation from which to branch out into other crafts.

Craftree is what you want it to be – a resource site just for yourself, or a fully fledged social site. It’s totally up to you how much you want to dive in to the social side and how much you want to keep to yourself, but we like to think that we’re friendly and welcoming for anyone.


We wish to thank Liz Jones for the wonderful logo. We would also like to thank our patient and fabulous testing team, and especially UshaKota. You have all been invaluable in making this site a reality. A detailed list of the top 100 people making this website what it is is found here. Lastly we'd like to thank the tatters of the world who have inspired us with their creativity and ingenuity, we hope that this site helps our craft to continue to grow.

This is Craftree version 0.9.7.