Craftree Forum Tree > InTatters Forums for Shuttle and Needle Tatting > Renulek's New 2016 Doily Tat-along is now online !!!
Thread created on 1460630107 by muskaan.
Status: Open thread, open to all.
On the photo that gives the order of elements for Row 4, zmiana czotenka means (according to Google Translate) change shuttles.
Also, on the website, Google Translate is often inserting government into the text and that has long puzzled me. I did some digging and the word should be row, which makes much more sense in the sentences that government shows up in.
in reply to Elfiona's post:
Yes - in Polish there is one word ( rzad ) which means ' government ' or ' row ' - how funny that Google chose' government ' in a translation of a tatting pattern - this is where computers can trip up!
in reply to Elfiona's post:
That made me smile.. Who was doing the word lists for Google?-- Interesting choice. Row is one of those English words with a dozen ways to use it. Row, as in a row of chairs, or row, as in a fight with multiple combatants, and row, as in putting oars in the water and propelling a boat... But then it could be rows, as in lines of people standing in a line waiting for access to some government, shelter, license, gas, .. What comes to mind when you see the word "row".... but, this is not the thread for the word game.
I saw this question on facebook, and wanted to add it in here, so I could find your answers again, should I start this:
Renulek Spring 2016 through round 3.
If anyone else is doing this, I could use some clarification on round 4. After doing the four rings, there is a ch 6 - 6, but the direction of the arch seems to indicate a do not reverse work after the final ring AND after the second set of 6 stitches in this chain. I'm guessing that the shoe lace trick needs to be used each time? And the join would be a lock-join?
the Ch 6+6 (where you join to the previous round) is done without reversing work, but using the second shuttle. The Polish words on the photo translate as "change shuttles"
According to the visual pattern, you are to switch shuttles before starting the 6p6, then switch shuttles again before starting the rings and chains
I wonder if it matters if when you switch shuttles, you bring the other shuttle up to the right or left of the one you are putting down. I mean... is there a wrap or something that takes place that one needs to be aware of? Or do I just think things to death, and it doesn't matter which way?
I guess that would be up to the tatter. Depends what color you want for the chain as to which shuttle color you want to show
in reply to cozyhomelife's post:
You are spot on about DNRW and switch shuttles which can be done with a SLT/overhand knot or a simple extra unflipped half stitch . Read about @tatknot experiments and comments here :
I am working with single colour and instead of DNRW, I turn work, and using same shuttle I use direct tatting (ie..reverse/unflipped stitches) . You can read about it here, including link to how to join :
Even if you are working with 2 colours, the SLT or the lock stitch can be used to bring the right colour in position.
There are many paths to same destination :-)
in reply to muskaan's post:
It isn't an extra unflipped half stitch, @muskaan. I used an unflipped first half to change position of the shuttles and followed it with a 2nd half, counting that combination as the first double stitch of the chain. I don't think it would be a problem, though, if the tatter didn't want to count that half stitch.
Row 5 has been posted:
Row 6 has been posted:
On Row 4, you just need to change shuttles. If you look closely you can see that the chains are going different directions. There is no need to so an SLT or half stitch.
Row 7 has been posted :
Round 8 is posted :
From what I understand, she will upload the next round in a week, and it may have simple individual motifs.
I'm going to have some major catching up to do, but if we are about to have a round with individual motifs, I'm going to wait until I see it before proceeding. I have been hoping for some repeats of that center motif and I've been saving the yellow to reintroduce then. I'm so excited that it is going to be a large piece.
in reply to tatknot's post:
I must apologize for my incorrect interpretation, Eliz & @amysperch. I went back & re-read carefully - I think she is talking about the small elements in this very round 8, not of a future round (round 9 will be posted in a week's time). Here is the 1st sentence, thanks to Google Translate:
"Without further ado we move smoothly to the eighth row frywolitkowej napkins WIOSNA2016 - now there will be some "dziubdziania" or small items :-D " .....
and her last sentence : " Now as if someone got tired of it properly in this instance you could be complete and if someone wants to have it the next row will be even more simple :-) I invite you for a week."
I apologize for the confusion.
Eliz, I agree about waiting for the next round to choose colours. But it appears that this very round might be the reflection of 1st, with it's overlapping rings. I reserve the right to be wrong, of course ;-P
In reply, @muskaan, this is what makes a doily from Renulek so fascinating. Not only is it a tat along, but it's a mystery too. I am very grateful she keeps it simple yet interesting. It's helpful to see that things don't have to get complicated to be fun and satisfying..
Yes, @amysperch, Renulek really has a genius this way...