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Lost in Translation - Julia E. Sanders errata


Thread created on 1339510110 by wodentoad.
Status: Open thread, open to all.


Thank you, I have just bought the book hope it's the right one:)


The Julia Sanders reprint from Dover is the correct one, and is what I am using, however, the pattern is in the public domain being printed originally in 1915.

Here's the pattern up to the end of the border row past the flower. This will take you to where I'm at on my own pattern.

R: Ring
C: Chain
Number: Number of stitches.
- : Picot
+: Join
(R n-n, C n) xN: A set of Rings and Chains repeated N number of times, including the first.
StR: Standard Ring. Because R 2-2-2-2 occurs so often, I found it more efficient (and I am lazy).

Center Circle: (Make 1)
Make a circle of (StR, C4) x16, joining at side picots.

Second circle: (Make 8)
Make a circle of (StR, C4) x12, joining at side picots and joining two rings by center picots to the center circle, and to the circles to either side by 2 center picots.

Third Circle: (Make 8)
Make a circle of (StR, C4) x16. Join to previous row by 2 center picots, leave the rest flying free.

Fourth Circle: (Make 8, work alternating with Half Circle below)
Make a circle of (StR, C4) x16.
Next row: (StR, joined to center picot of previous row, C5, Str, C5) x16, joined to previous rows as such:
Counting clockwise from the right hand joined picot on the previous row, join the next 4 "outside" picots to center picots of rings #7 and 5 on the left, and #10 and 12 on the right.

Half Circle: (Make 8)
Make 3x: R 2-2+2-2, C 5-5
Make 11x: R 2+2-2-2, C 4
Make 1x: R 2-2+2-2, C 5-5
Make 2x: R 2-2+2-2, C 5+5

Join small cloverleaf motifs (3x R 2-2-2-2) between half circles and double rings.

Flower petals:
Step 1: Insertion panels, 8x.
First motif: Alternating rings of 2-6-6-2 and 2-4-4-2, 8 total.
Second motif: 4x cloverleafs (R 6-4-2, R 2+6-6-2, R 2+4-6), joined by C 6. Join one of the cloverleafs to first motif by center picot to large ring.
Third motif: 4x cloverleafs (R 8-6-2, R 2+8-8-2, R 2+6-8), joined by C 8. Join one of the cloverleafs to second motif by center picots opposite join to first motif.
Fourth Motif: Center ring: 16 picots separated by 1 ds. Next ring: 16x (R 2-2-2-2, R 4-4). Join to previous motif opposite join to second motif.
Border: Cloverleaf (3x R 2-2-2-2), C 4-4, Cloverleaf (3x 4-4-4-4), joining center leaf to first motif, C 4-4, Cloverleaf (3x R 2-2-2-2), C 4+4, joining to previous chain, R 4+4-4-4 joining to last picot in previous. cloverleaf. C4+4, joining to picot on larger cloverleaf. Repeat R4+4-4-4, C 4-4, 16x, joining to first motif at C #3, Second at C #7, Third at C #11, and the fourth at #15 and #16, startng at the fourth ring from the ring that joins to the third motif. Next, 6x cloverleafs (3x 2-2-2-2) and continue to join to the fourth motif by the C 4+4. Continue down opposite side as first side.

Quadrangles: Five rows of circles topped with a small insertion.
First row: 12x (R 1-2-2-1, C 2), Join at side picots, other joins as pictured.
Second row: 12x (R 2-2-2-2, C 3), Join at side picots, other joins as pictured.
Third row: 12x (R 3-2-2-3, C 3). Join at side picots, other joins as pictured.
Fourth row: 12x (R 4-3-3-4, C 4) Join at side picots, other joins as pictured.
Fifth row: 12x (R 4-4-4-4, C 4) Join at side picots, other joins as pictured.
Insertion: 19x (R 2-2-2-2), 18x (C 4-4). Join to outside circles by 1 picot, inside circles by 2 picots.

Border Around Flower:
Row 1: R 3-3-3-3, C 3-3. At corners C 7-3-3, R 3-3-3-3, C 3+3-7. Join to 13 center rings of insertion over quadrangle.
Row 2: R 5x2-2, C 2-2-2+2-2-2. Join to every other ring of previous row, be sure to join at center of three rings at corners.
Center motif at corners:
Row 1: R 5x2-2, C 4-4-4
Row 2: R 2-2-2, C 4+4, join two chains to each chain of previous row.
Join to second row of border at corners as pictured. Following rows go between circular motifs.
Row 3: R 5x2-2, C 2-2-2, alternate rings, joining every other ring to previous row.
Row 4: Repeat Row 3, joining every other ring to center picot of previous row.
Row 5: Repeat Row 2, repeating joins from row 2.
Row 6 and 7: Repeat row 1, complete rows across corner motifs.

Last edited 1403118702 by wodentoad for the following reason: Pattern now included!.


Thank you, thank you. I am about to start it. I will let you know how I go.


I can't wait!


I have just finished the first 8 rings. Had a job to get my head round it, instead of laying flat I was twisting them. Stuck with it though and got it right in the end.


That's a common mistake in doing patterns in the round. I'm not sure if doing a folded join actually helps or hinders there, either. It's been a little while since I've done them, but I've made that mistake in knitting and crochet before, inadvertently making a mobius strip.


Hey, all. I recently finished the last of the broken rows between the corner motifs. To be honest, I had sorta hit the plateau and "didn't wanna." I finally picked it back up and I went ahead and started the next row before getting a completion picture because there was a family thing. I'm back to working on it and will post a new pic soon. Thanks for your patience. Oh and extra good wishes and luck to those working on the big JS project!


Congrats on another milestone ! Ü I can't wait to see your next progress picture! And I'm very glad that it weathered the trip to India!


I'm looking forward to your next progress picture, too! Never fear, your project is MUCH bigger than our JS doily!


So my world exploded, but the tatting continues. I have 3 sections left on the current row, then one more row exactly like it to finish the borders.







This really is an awesome looking project and I congratulate you on you perseverance.


Great work. Keep going the end is in sight!


Congratulations on the progress! It's looking fantastic!


That looks awesome! Wonderful work here....so close to finished! Well done.


Awesome !!! Your doily looks spectacular


Thanks, everyone! I never would have gotten so far without the encouragement and advice of this great forum. For this pic, it took it out to the back porch and stood on a chair. I know I will get it done in the coming year for the 100th anniversary of the pattern.




Yay! That's a great thought - about getting it finished in the 100th anniversary of the pattern. Wow.


This is really awesome. The black and white is such a great choice for it - and placed ingeniously.


Okay, sorry I've been on a bit of a hiatus for a couple of months. A lot has been going on in my household. After a death in the family, I found out that I have a baby on the way (due in May) and the fatigue has been awful--worse yet, it's been taking up a lot of my tatting time. On top of that, admittedly, I hit a bit of a plateau on the project, as the next row is R 3+3+3-3, C 3-3, same as the previous row, but joined to every chain. It's a little mind numbing when you think about how MANY rings I have to join (more than a couple) and I've not really worked on it in a couple of weeks.

So, current first priority is to make my house NOT look like it is post drone strike, but I have not given up on it. It is still my main crafting focus, when I am able to.


Completely understandable!

I had been wondering about your progress and even this very morning was thinking of dropping you a note.... Sorry you've had such a heavy load lately, but how exciting about the new baby! Just be sure to take care of yourself first and foremost and the tatting will be there when you're ready for it.


Congratulations on the new baby! You know about prioritizing. Just do that. Tatting is very patient. It won't run away till you have time to work on it. If you feel like the current round is really 'mind-numbing', taking breaks for housework and naps should help a lot. Even if you only manage a couple of rings and chains in a week, that's still progress.


Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing more when you get around to it, but understand that it might be a while. :) I've started a new one myself and am on the second/third round (I'm doing them all in one go with split rings to cut down on the hiding of ends.) Maybe this will give me a chance to catch up with you. :)


Okay! sorry I've been gone so long! Making a new human really takes it out of me! But I'm back to tatting, and have decided to renew my vow of tatting when I sit instead of simply staring at movies flickering on the computer screen. Also, on top of it, the computer has been at the computer hospital for a couple of weeks and just returned, but I now have 3/8 sides done on the last row of the lace border that surrounds the inner flower.