
Craftree Forum Tree > InTatters Forums for Shuttle and Needle Tatting > Pattern Notes and Help > Lost in Translation - Julia E. Sanders errata

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Lost in Translation - Julia E. Sanders errata


Thread created on 1339510110 by wodentoad.
Status: Open thread, open to all.


Oh my goodness -- I would totally freak if I lost a backpack with all that tatting in it. Thank goodness it was found safe and sound! Has it made it back to you yet? Was all of the table cloth in the back pack or just the circles you were working on?

The most recent photo is great -- you are making good progress and it looks wonderful. Great idea to include your shuttle -- gives quite a sense of perspective and is even more amazing to realize that something so large and lovely was created by something so small and your own hands...

May the summer bring you many happy hours of tatting.


Okay! The backpack made it back to me safe and sound (many thanks to my wonderful big sister, a knitter, who mailed it back!), and I've had some time with my sweet husband just sitting on the couch and tatting. I now have 35 rings left to go out of 200. I think my previous count was wrong, I'm not sure, but this is correct. Hopefully I can spend some time cracking down on these and it won't be long before I'm working on the top insertion, then the edging around the flower. I still have to work out the corners on that.


I do have to carry the whole table cloth with me because the circles attach at the 7th or 4th ring (depending). I suppose there are a dozen ways I could work the ring petals, including large to small, finally attaching to the caterpillars, but with all the small pieces as long as they are all attached that's all that matters, eh?

So I'm continuing right now to finish the petals one at a time.




Great that you were able to get everything back! Separation anxiety can drive you nuts! It's looking wonderful and is really getting huge. Soon your table will be too small to spread it out on Ü but then that IS the goal. How many balls ( size 20?) have you burned though so far?


looking very lovely. Glad it was not lost forever.....


I'm doing it in #10. I got the black from Batty Tatter, I think I'm on my 3rd or 4th of it, which I'm using for the ring thread, but only on the first ball of the white, which is my chain thread, though I'm nearing the end of the ball now. I've decided that the next one I do--and there will be a next one--will be done in a number of bright floral colors in #20 thread to really bring out the large floral pattern, probably with cheerful greens as the border.


Looking great!


Wow! More power to you!


wodentoad said:

I'm doing it in #10. I got the black from Batty Tatter, I think I'm on my 3rd or 4th of it, which I'm using for the ring thread, but only on the first ball of the white, which is my chain thread, though I'm nearing the end of the ball now. I've decided that the next one I do--and there will be a next one--will be done in a number of bright floral colors in #20 thread to really bring out the large floral pattern, probably with cheerful greens as the border.

I would have thought it would be much more thread than that! It is getting so big. I like your idea of doing one as a large flower with a green border.... and then the fabric would add some nice contrasting smooth petals in a lovely matching color too...... like a giant lotus blossom! ;)


Wow, looks awsome!
...and so many tatting hours are in this doily!


Love the photo of it on the table -- it looks marvelous! Very impressive that you are willing to do this pattern more than once. Wow!


Wild and crazy vacation weekend. My pictures all show me with my little brown backpack that carries my tatting. I've got 8 more 4-3-3-4 circles before I switch to the 15 remaining 4x4 circles. I did a ton! over vacation, but I was mostly tatting either in the car, the hotel, at dinner, or while the boys were off doing something vomit inducing. I did however, manage to attach one of my rings in the temple of Athena. I didn't know hubby got a pic until I saw his posted album. Here I am (with my son's blonde head) picking up a couple of stiches in the Parthenon in Nashville under the stalwart gaze of Athena and Nike.



Tablecloth pic 7-14.jpg


wow! that looks really amazing. very stricking. Cannot wait for you to finish.


Wow, it's been a while. Tatting has been going slow while school gets started. I'm a crazy wreck and I've been toothbrushing the grout in stress over the little one. He is in new classes, JUST got transferred after a week and it's just been up and down and crazy.

Okay, so I just finished the last of row 4 of circles. I have 15 4-4-4-4 circles left and then its onto the border This is one that's currently got me stumped because, much like the rest of the pattern, it fails to include pertinent information.

Squinting at it for seemingly hours, I have reason to believe that the chain series goes as follows: R, C3-3, R, C 3+5+5--3 (joining to previous chain, then to the large motifs between circles), R, C3+5+5-3 (Joining the long picot left on the last chain, and then to the motif), R, C 3+3 (joining to the previous chain), then continuing on with the R, C 3-3, for, well... possibly ever. (Actually 13 open picots and then joining the little motifs over the circles, then 13 more and that's the repeat.)

I'm hoping now that I'm back to my sitting in the car/waiting procedure, those last circles should be sewed up, well tatted up, quickly.

They say I'm crazy for wanting to make a second. Crazy like a crafter!


WOW is right! Sounds like you need some tatting therapy! I do hope you will send some pic our way after you get the last of the rings finished up.
And aren't we ALL a little crazy! My MOM would have called us 'Loons' HA!


Well, it's been a LONG road, but tonight I finished ring #200!


Next, I have the small insertions over each of the ring petals and then I begin the large border. Right now, though, I'm gonna have some dinner, and maybe a (root) beer.

The two spots of color by the table are the aerlit shuttles I have. I've worn the spindles on the purple one down to a nubbin. I swear if someone could make metal spindles and bobbins in a plastic body, they'd have my family fortune (all $28 of it)! I have now switched to my second aerlit, the red one. I guess I have to buy 2-3 more of them, just in case, you understand. (oh! alas! whatever shall I do?)




Wow, stunning! I really admire your determination for this project


WooHoo!!! Way to go!! you are making amazing progress, this is stunning now and will be even more so. Happy Tatting!


I'm with Mad Cricket. Your tenacity is inspiring. And the table cloth is breath taking. I showed it to DH, and his question was "How many years did it take?" Guess he's really been paying attention.


Well, let's see, I started this thread the same time I started the table cloth, so I'm up to one year, two months, three weeks and five days.

Thank you all for sticking with me through this, it's all the encouragement that's helped me to keep going. I have a suspicion that the next section may actually go a tad faster. The circles are just a tad, well, soul crushing. There are 200 of them. I'm starting to feel bad for the people who did a few of these projects in some of my books, such as curtains or table runners. And of course the original from which I am basing my pattern.

I just switched bags because my little brown backpack could no longer hold it and the snap was starting to come loose. I had a craft supply swap with a few of my crafter friends (who all stared goggle-eyed at my work and had to fondle it), and I picked up a bigger one. I was thinking just today what will happen when I no longer have this to carry around with me? The time will come when I've finished it. It's almost like a friend, a traveling companion that has seen me through everything from Kindergarten field trips and beach house vacations to the Parthenon (Nashville) and the Huntsville Rocket Park. As IdahoCanuk suggested, I suppose the only answer is tatting therapy. :)

I thought I might take the night off... and then I found my shuttle in my hand and started on the insertions. Eh. Who am I to fight it?


We're all cheering for you! There's something to be said for vicarious tatting...


Wow! Congratulations on reaching another milestone! Ü. I agree that all those circles look very daunting.... but they're all behind you now and I have to say that it's looking AMAZING!


I remember when you first started this. It really doesn't seem like all that long ago, until you start counting it up. I suppose once you finish it, you'll feel a bit lost for a while. But there are so many other things to be tatted, and some of them are also huge projects. I think you'll be fine.


that is stunning i love it!!


Wow, wow, wow! Many, many congratulations on finishing 200 rings!