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joined 01 Feb 1993
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**February 20 - March 20**
Pisces is the twelfth Sign of the Zodiac, and it is also the final Sign in the Zodiacal cycle. Hence, this Sign brings together many of the characteristics of the eleven Signs that have come before it. Pisceans, however, are happiest keeping many of these qualities under wraps. These folks are selfless, spiritual and very focused on their inner journey. For the Fish, tatting is most likely to be about some sort of inner connection to a long-lost friend or relative. Each knot represents that connection. Pisceans are compassionate, charitable and will quickly put the needs of others ahead of their own. It's this kind of self-sacrifice which keeps these folks going. The flip side to their giving natures is that oft-timid Fish are likely to be taken advantage of by less well-meaning souls. If you ask a Piscean to show you some of the items she's tatted she's bound to tell you that she's given them all away and indeed any pieces that she still has are most likely waiting for the needy friend to come and claim them!