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Lost in Translation - Julia E. Sanders errata


Thread created on 1339510110 by wodentoad.
Status: Open thread, open to all.


Okay, with working on a showcase of my crafts, I've given in to temptation. I shall be working on the tablecloth from Julia E. Sanders' Tatting Patterns reprint issued by dover. While changing these from the written directions to the more modern x-x style of tatting directions, I've hit a bit of a snag.

Two major problems: First, starting with the "Half Ring" and continuing with the cloverleaf, it does not give a length for the chains. Not sure I want to wing it here. I'm guessing that the cloverleave (c1) is really 2-2-2-2 x3 like all the other rings so far. As near as I can figure from squinting at the picture is that the chain might be 5-5.

Second, the directions are a little confusing for the oblong motifs. It says: "Two double rows of 14r each. Rs 3p 2ds bet, joined, chs 8ds, p, 8ds. Join two rows together while working 2d row, and at end add 3r." It's those first three words that throw me off. Two double rows? The rest makes sense, I think, as 14x (R 2-2-2-2, C 8-8), 3x (R 2-2-2-2), rep on opposite side, joining at chain picots.

I'm going to stop here while I finish my smaller piece, and then work through what I already have translated, but if anyone has this book and could help with translating it, that would be stellar.



Good questions! And quite necessary to answer before you dive in.

I have a Dover book edited by Julie Sanders: ISBN 1486-23554-8. I'm guessing the table cloth you're looking at is the tea cloth? But, since it's made up of smaller motifs, I'm hesitant to answer the questions you post.

Is this the book you're looking at?


That's the one, alright! The Tea Cloth pattern starts on page 25.

I just finished the center motif, and did the size calculations with my #10 thread. My version will be 4.15 feet across. Now it makes me debate whether or not to finish it out, make the full sized thing rather than stopping at the inner border. It'll be HUUUGE! It's about time I took on a challenge like this! I've been waiting for it!


The center without the border would look fabulous and is a complete design. I wouldn't put the border on it. I think working with some of the motifs could be kind of interesting, too (a separate project!).


It'll be a while before I get to the border, so it'll give me time to figure out whether or not I want to complete it. I know it's an ambitious project, but seeing the current black and white project look so striking and stunning I really want to see this one finished. I am doing black shuttle, white ball, so black rings, white chains which look great. As soon as I finish the first set, I'll post a picture. Rather than a simple linen, I'm thinking of using a tulle or sheer fabric so it doesn't take the eye away from the lace sections.


woooo, can't wait to see the end result.


OK....I'm looking at the pattern. If you're working the cloverleaf with 2 ds, I think I would try 4-4 for the chains. Just my guess.

"Two major problems: First, starting with the "Half Ring" and continuing with the cloverleaf, it does not give a length for the chains. Not sure I want to wing it here. I'm guessing that the cloverleave (c1) is really 2-2-2-2 x3 like all the other rings so far. As near as I can figure from squinting at the picture is that the chain might be 5-5."

"Second, the directions are a little confusing for the oblong motifs. It says: "Two double rows of 14r each. Rs 3p 2ds bet, joined, chs 8ds, p, 8ds. Join two rows together while working 2d row, and at end add 3r." It's those first three words that throw me off. Two double rows? The rest makes sense, I think, as 14x (R 2-2-2-2, C 8-8), 3x (R 2-2-2-2), rep on opposite side, joining at chain picots."

I am thinking here that the double rows just refers to the two strips of rings that join to each other with the chains between each ring. Clear as mud? I think you're right that the two rows are joined at the chain. The rings on the inside whould join to those tiny rings on the Fourth circle motifs.

Can't wait to see the picture!

Last edited 1339522237 by picotsnkeys for the following reason: delete part of original quote not needed in my reply.


I might make one motif for those in experiment before attaching it.

Sooooo, as a complete aside, does anyone want to tat-along with me?

Here's the first pic of the center and two of the second circles completed. http://yfrog.com/hwpqnjvj

Last edited 1339526382 by wodentoad for the following reason: Added picture link..


Wow! That's really striking! I hadn't thought of doing a white and black combo, that should be really pretty as a tablecloth.


Okay, I finished the first nine rings of the center. Picture here: alt

I've got the 8x 16-ring circles next, and then onto more interesting parts of it. I'm gonna take a quick break to finish my smaller one first, then back to work on the big one. Having slept on it, I've decided: I'm going to complete it, in it's entirety. Let my little peach-colored clover shuttle be STRONG!

ETA: I'll keep posting the pics here as I complete the rounds.

Last edited 1339602270 by wodentoad.


That looks fabulous!

Your reworking the antique pattern is an inspiration. I hope you're writing down what you actually end up tatting as your work will be a great resource.

Tat on!


I'm working as the book says, I'm a little fuzzy on the copyrights with using a reprint. However, for clarity, I am writing down my notation and will make pictures as necessary. I will gladly share my pattern as I make it. I really hope someone joins me on this journey!

Oh, new calculations is that it will be 6'8" across.

Center Circle: 16x R 2-2-2-2 C 4.
Second Circles: (Make 8) 12x R 2-2-2-2 C4
Join 2 rings from the circle to center, and two each to circles on either side.

Last edited 1339607573 by wodentoad for the following reason: Adding pattern to-date:.


I'm going to add it to my patterns I want to make, it's a little big for me to try right now.


Looking quite good.


Sooooo, as a complete aside, does anyone want to tat-along with me?

If only I didn't have so many projects already going I would love to. I have had it on my to do list forever(atleast it seems that way). I will follow your progress with eagerness. It is Avery ambitious project for sure!


Beautiful, but my brain is on summer vacation!


Off to a very nice start.... keep us posted.


I've looked at this pattern many times and always thought there were too many different motifs in it for my taste. But I must say your beginnings are very promising. The black and white contrast is so dramatic. I'd love to know how you plan to use it once it's done.


Not sure what I'm going to do with it. When I was winding the ball off for a little bit to make it more portable, I began to debate whether or not I had enough to make a second. I'm really liking how it turns out in the #10, and I might make a second to sell. I'm very certain that this one shall be mine. Might finish a second one in time for my son's wedding. (He's five.)

So here is the pic of where I am:


The pattern part I am working on is as such:

Second row circles: R 2-2-2-2, C 4 (Just like the center ring), joined at the side picots and to the top two picots of the first row.
Third row circles: First row, same as above. Second row: R 2-2+2-2, C 5, R 2-2-2-2, C 5. Counting from the first free picot on the right, joined to #9 and #11 picots on the circle of the previous row, then to #4 and #6 in the next circle on the previous row.

I'm actually doing them sorta at the same time. It makes me feel as though I'm going faster. If I can do one motif a day, I should have this nearly finished by Christmas of next year. :)

Last edited 1340034496 by wodentoad for the following reason: Please ignore the red at the bottom of the frame..


Wow, great progress. The color changes make it very dramatic looking!


Coming along very beautifully!!


Finally finished with the row! The next one's going to be a little cheeky, but I'm up to the challenge. I've switched to using Magic Thread, a version of Magic Loop using, in this case, size 20 thread. In order to keep everything together, I've been securing it with a tiny knot after pulling it through and it's holding like a champ.


For those of you who are, or will be, tatting along, the next section is made up of half-circles that drift down between the rings. I've translated it, but you're going to have to use the picture in the book for reference here. The question marks are my best guesses because the directions don't include that information:

Half Circle:
3x R 2-2+2-2 C 5?-5?
11x R 2-2-2-2 C 4
3x R 2-2+2-2 C 5?+5?

Stay tuned for changes, I'm not sure I translated it quite right.

Last edited 1340741496 by wodentoad.


I probably should have done these as I did the previous row, but, as they say, live and learn! So here's the image to help with the joins:


OOPS! Here's the corrected one: (The pencil is pointing to the corrected join.)


Starting with a ring on the lowest free picot of the previous row as above.
R 2-2+2-2, C 5-5, ending on the fourth ring. Next, make 11x C 4, R 2+2-2-2, so that you have a half circle of 12 rings joined at side picots. C 4. Next ring joins to the next circle from the previous row, R 2+2+2-2, C 5-5. R 2-2+2-2, C 5+5, ending with the ring that joins the last free ring on that side.

Last edited 1340770365 by wodentoad for the following reason: Replaced photo of one WITHOUT mistake.


Okay finally finished the row of half-circles. Working on the little cloverleafs that act as fillers now. They just help tack down another motif, and I'm not sure if the big 460 counts these as individual motifs as well. Anyway, here's the next row finished, the pattern is in my last post.
